Helping people learn to program is an amazing experience.

The most visible volunteer positions within RailsBridge are the workshop sponsors, organizers, teachers, and TAs. They make each workshop happen!
Want to teach?
Yay! Head over to the upcoming workshops page to see if one is coming up near you. If not, get in touch with your local chapter (or start one if it doesn't exist).
Want to organize?
Fantastic. Read through the organizing page and fill out our short interest form!
Want to host or sponsor?
That's awesome. Check out our information for hosts and Donor FAQ.
Helpful links for you
Organize, Sponsor or Host an Event
So many other ways to help, too!
There are tons of other things that have to happen to keep RailsBridge thriving. If you can help us with any of these things, fill out our quick volunteer interest form and we will be in touch.
Expand, improve, and maintain our curriculum
- Maintain and create new curricula
- Keep the constantly-changing Installfest up-to-date
- Help our teachers level up by creating more in-depth teacher training
Help build new tools
- Help us improve Bridge Troll, our open source event management app.
- Students always wonder what to do next, and we'd like to build better tools for helping them figure out their next steps.
Get the word out
- We need to tell the world what we're doing! PR dabblers welcome!
- Blogging. Writers are the best.
- Tweeting, Facebooking, LinkedIn-ing: social media is fun.
Strategize and fundraise
- We're building an organization called Bridge Foundry to help us (and other orgs) manage our funds (and people) better!
- RailsBridge is growing a ton, and we can always use strategists and do-ers to help us think big and make those epic plans a reality