We have other projects, too.
We’ve got a lot of exciting projects in the pipeline. We’d like to continue to expand our geographic footprint, as well as expand our curriculum options to include JavaScript, iOS development, Clojure, and Git. We also have a number of other current projects.
Bridge Troll
We want to make it easy to organize a workshop, and one of the hardest parts can be communicating with students and volunteers and getting them divided into small groups by skill level. So we've built (and are continuing to improve) an open source event management app named Bridge Troll.
Want to help? Join the mailing list and introduce yourself!
Pull requests accepted via GitHub
We organize ourselves using Pivotal Tracker
And we discuss things on our mailing list
Bridge Foundry
We created a new umbrella organization called Bridge Foundry, so that we could help ourselves and like-minded organizations more easily manage the money parts of improving tech.
Bridge Foundry is a non-profit organization that transforms tech culture by generating leaders, teachers and mentors who empower the underserved.
Open Workshop Summit
RailsBridge has weekly Sunday morning conference calls to move along internal RailsBridge business, but it’s time for us to meet publicly with our sponsors, volunteers, and students and brainstorm what the future of RailsBridge looks like. In person!
Longitudinal Study
We’d like to know more concretely the number of RailsBridge students who come back for another workshop, become volunteers, and end up in better professional situations in part due to RailsBridge. We have anecdotal evidence of RailsBridge workshop participants becoming professional developers, but there’s a lot more to learn about our efforts.